As a responsible academy to issues and trends in the field of education and in the society in general, NATFA constantly partners with leading state institutions, social structures, governmental and non-governmental organizations, foundations, business representatives, embassies and cultural centers, national and regional media, scientists, researchers, artists, journalists and intellectuals. Our partners over the years are:


Presidency of the Republic of Bulgaria

Ministry of Education and Science

Ministry of Culture

Ministry of Interior

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sofia Municipality

Central Cooperative Union

„Asarel-Medet” AD

“Kaolin” EAD

Doli Media Studio

American Foundation for Bulgaria

State Insurance Institute DZI

Bulgarian National Television

Bulgarian National Radio

Bulgarian News Agency


Darik Radio



Cultural institutes in Bulgaria: Polish Institute, Goethe Institute, Institut Francais, Cervantes Institute, Open Society Institute, Russian Cultural Center, British Council, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Italian Cultural Institute, Czech Center, “Confucius” Institute, US Cultural Centre

Union of Bulgarian Actors

Еmbassies: US Embassy, Embassy of Japan, Embassy of Israel, Embassy of Russia, Embassy of China, Embassy of Indonesia, Embassy of UK, Embassy of France, Embassy of Italy, Embassy of Denmark, Embassy of Croatia, Embassy of Belgium, Embassy of Georgia, Embassy of Netherlands, Embassy of Norway, Embassy of Hungary, Embassy of Poland, Embassy of Czech Republic, Embassy of South Africa, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of North Macedonia, Embassy of Romania, Embassy of Turkey, Embassy of Serbia, Embassy of Austria, Embassy of Germany, Embassy of Spain, Embassy of Portugal, Embassy of Switzerland, Embassy of Vietnam, Embassy of Morocco, Embassy of Kuwait, Embassy of Brazil, Embassy of India, Embassy of Slovakia, Embassy of Ukraine.  

NU Film Studios BOYANA

United Bulgarian Bank UBB

Raiffaisen Bank

The municipalities of Varna, Plovdiv, Ruse, Gabrovo, Dobrich, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Sliven, Yambol, Veliko Tarnovo, Kyustendil, Dimitrovgrad, Haskovo, Blagoevgrad, Shumen and others.

Theaters: National Theater “Ivan Vazov”, Youth Theater “Nikolai Binev”, Theater “Sfumato”, Theater “Sofia”, Theater “Bulgarian Army”, Sofia Puppet Theater, Theater “Vyzrazhdane”, Theater “Sylza i smyah”, “Malyk gradski teatyr”, Bulgarian National Opera, National Palace of Culture, as well as more than 20 dramatic, puppet and puppet-dramatic theaters situated in the province.