Project EMPACT: Creative project and performance “Museum of emotions”



Project EMPACT: Creative project and performance “Museum of emotions”


Joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise – these are some of the emotions that the dancers of Assoc. Alexander Manjukov’s dancers recreate in his creative project, part of EMPACT.

“Museum of Emotions” is a performance looking for ways to our emotional intelligence. In the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence, scientific advances and technological revolution, preoccupied with the rapid consumption of pleasures, the emotional life of man is experiencing collapse and destruction, says the author.

See for yourself with the event trailer created by the director Orlin Menkadzhiev, the cinematographer Veselin Menkadzhiev and the editor Kalina Spasova.


The project is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union under the Grant Agreement No: 101055903 – EMPACT – CREA-CULT-2021-COOP-2

The project is realized with the financial support of the  National Culture Fund