The mission and goals of the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Krastyo Sarafov” (NATFA) correspond to the educational philosophy, shared organizational values, trends in the higher education in Bulgaria and internationally, as well as the specificity and organizational characteristics of the Academy.
NATFA is a specialized state higher education institution, which:
Offers a wide range of modern and unique educational programmes at bachelor, master and doctoral levels in the field of screen and performing arts, theatre and film studies, as well as continuing education, postgraduate qualification and retraining.
Prepares highly qualified specialists, adaptable to the dynamic and constantly changing cultural and social context and developing successful careers in the arts, culture and creative industries.
Develops research, scientific and creative activities that support and enrich the learning process and contribute to the further development of specialized scientific fields in Bulgaria.
Combines the educational process with practical experiences, which assists NATFA graduates to pursue successful professional careers in Bulgaria and internationally.
Cooperates actively with national and international partners on complex programs and projects on a mutually beneficiary basis.
The team of the Academy works on the basis of sharing democratic values and principles of tolerance, dialogue, cooperation, active behaviour and undertaking initiatives. The main focus in the educational process is the development of students’ creative, analytical and communication skills, stimulating their critical thinking and innovation capacity.
NATFA is a recognized, highly-ranked, modern state academy, with a solid reputation in Bulgaria and internationally as a unique creative, cultural and research center for education and training of highly specialized and educated professionals in the field of performing and screen arts, theatre and film studies.
“Study at NATFA: Conquer the world!”
Strategic directions of development:
- Educational programs and creative activities
- Scientific and research activities
- International partnership
- Pedagogical and methodological qualification
- Internal organisational development
NATFA’s specificity allows us to work for the implementation of national and regional priorities and goals in the field of higher education, as well as for the overall development of the Bulgarian culture, according to the Law on Protection and Development of Culture.