NATFA Theatre is located on 108-A Rakovsky str., Sofia. It has a number of stages, two of which are open for general audience 6 days a week: the Big Stage (420 seats) and Stage 47 (60 seats). There are 6 other stages that are used for training purposes and semester exams (usually open to audience).

NATFA Theatre exists since 1957. More than 450 productions have been performed on its stages. Up to 15 new graduation productions premier annually, with 10-20 performances for each title.

NATFA Theatre supports the students’ professional training by creating conditions similar (and even better) to the ones of the actual working environment after graduation. It operates as a repertoire theater, where general audience may attend the performances of the students in the programmes “Drama Theatre Acting“, “Dance Theatre“, “Pantomime”, “Performing Arts Directing“, “Performing Arts Directing“. Specialized ateliers for sets, costumes and props making are offered to the students of various acting, directing and theater design programmes.

Since 2018, NATFA Theatre allows on its stages performances to be created through competition calls for projects thus enabling students to meet on stage alumni and world renowned masters.

The NATFA Theatre is managed and maintained by highly qualified experts and can be rented to external organizations under certain conditions.



Ekaterina Tsvetkova, Manager of NATFA Theatre

tel. 02 9231 302, e-mail: