Plans for Summer and Autumn /World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT / ITI
Plans for Summer and Autumn /World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT / ITI
We are inviting you for XIV INTERNATIONAL THEATRE SUMMER ACADEMY. 20 July – 4 August 2024 in Montecreto, Italy – a romantic mountain
village south of Bologna.
Jurij Alschitz and Christine Schmalor are planning an intensive directing + acting laboratory. Participants from various European countries are already preparing for the work – but there are still a few places available.
What is this laboratory about? Jurij Alschitz calls it the view of the shaman: “I have always loved the play’s clever analyses, the cunningly constructed labyrinths, the intricate weaving of scenes, the complex allusions, the abundance of contextual footnotes and quotations in role and performance. As a young man, I was fascinated by Hermann Hesse’s “The Glass Bead Game” for a long time, and engaged with the beauty of such “chaos” with sincere love and passion. As a young man, I was fascinated by Hermann Hesse’s “The Glass Bead Game” for a long time, and engaged with the beauty of such “chaos” with sincere love and passion.
Was it because of this passionate play, or because I was satiated, or perhaps because I was growing wiser – I don’t know – but I began to feel a hunger for emptiness, which I eventually sought to appease with the minimalism of the East.
And this gave rise to the questions with which I decided to go to this year’s Theatre Summer Academy:
* How can one calm down, how can one put an end to the fuss of the modern, constantly “acting”, “thinking”, “feeling” and “speaking” actor?
* How to teach actors to appreciate one word, one action, one thought endlessly repeating with microscopic variations, but static and devoid of “theatrical” expressiveness?
* How to condense/dilute the time/space of the actor so that the actor gives up the crutches that have already become obsolete – the “line of action”, “main events”, “conflicts”, “proposed circumstances” and so on?
* How can one achieve that the text and the plot, which actors/actresses value so much, without which they cannot live, recede into the background and bow expectantly to what does not yet have a name, what is sometimes heard in the silence and appears in the void?”
More about the programs you can find HERE