New international open call to fill five positions of external members in the Administrative Council of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece.
We would like to inform you that the procedure of establishing the Administrative Council has been declared ineffective by a Rector’s declaratory act, since the external members were not possible to be elected within the statutory deadline.
Please find attached a new international open call to fill five (5) positions of external members in the Administrative Council of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece (8 first pages in Greek language followed by 8 pages in English language).
Individuals holding a position of a Professor at a foreign University or an Emeritus Professor or retired faculty member of any Greek Higher Education Institute (HEI), as well as individuals with significant recognition or contribution to the fields of culture, arts, academia or sciences, economy or society, representatives of international organizations or partners in social entities are eligible to apply for the position of an external member of the Administrative Council of the AUTh.
Applications should be submitted online to the e-mail address , by sending the filled and signed application form of interest, a sample of which is included as an Appendix, accompanied by the following supporting documents (in Greek or English language, in pdf format):
- Copy of Identity Card or Copy of Passport.
- Full Curriculum Vitae.
- Any documents or material that the candidate deems necessary to support his/her candidacy (optional).
- Letter of interest for the position of external member (optional).
Pls, find the documents below:
ΨΥΛΖ46Ψ8ΧΒ-Θ7Α -Διεθνής δημόσια πρόσκληση για εξωτ. μέλη Σ.Δ. ΑΠΘ
The deadline for submitting applications is Thursday, September 7th, 2023 at 04:00 p.m. Greek time.
For further information and clarifications regarding this call and the nomination process of the external members of the Administrative Council of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, those interested may submit their questions to the e-mail address or contact directly at the following tel. numbers +30-231099-6793, -6828