IN SITU capacity-building program: A year of growth and collaboration!
Our capacity-building program as part of the IN SITU project enables cultural and creative industries across Europe to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in peri-urban regions.
Over the last year we have covered many aspects from mentoring specific creative projects to networking and partnership workshops, funding and fundraising opportunities, audience engagement, storytelling and audience development, digital technology application, social and business entrepreneurship, sustainability strategies in the cultural and creative industries and many other important thematic areas. We have worked in isolated areas in Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Croatia and the Azores.
We’ve come a long way together so far, and we’re still going. NATIZ “Krastyo Sarafov”, which leads the capacity-building program in the cultural and creative industries, would like to thank all the partners and participants in this part of the IN SITU project!
Stay tuned for more updates and resources! See more here
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