Project EMPACT: “The Art of Brainwaves”




Project EMPACT: “The Art of Brainwaves”


“Close your eyes and focus on the present moment: where are you? What is around you? Calm the tension and relax. Ask yourself- what is this present moment? And now tell yourself, I am not that…look around you and see where you are in the here and now, and answer the question: Why do you love? Why? Why?”

Actor Jordan Varbanov’s creative project The Art of Brainwaves explores the theme of finding or recalling the human individual’s empathic connection to nature, based on the mythological image of the goddess Gaia and the feminine essence of “mother nature”.



The project is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union under the Grant Agreement No: 101055903 – EMPACT – CREA-CULT-2021-COOP-2

The project is realized with the financial support of the  National Culture Fund