Public Speech

Established: 2013

Educational Degree: Маster of Arts

Duration: 1 year (2 semesters)

Form of Education:  Full-time


Program Director:

Prof. Dr. Veselina Raeva






Academic Team:

Prof. Dr. Veselina Raeva (Basics of Public Speech, Text Interpretation), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lora Mutisheva (Basics of Public Speech),  Prof. Dr. Sc. Ivanka Mavrodieva (Public Speaking, Public Speaking in a Virtual Environment),  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valeria Kardashevska (Public Speaking, Nonverbal Communication),   Prof. Dr. Sc. Мiroslav Dachev (Semiotics of the Arts),  Prof. Dilyana Micheva (Duality – Speech and Singing), Assoc. Prof. Yuri Dachev (Text for Media), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Fidanova-Kolarova (Behavior in front of a Camera)Dr. Nadezhda Panayotova (Acting in Public Communications), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todor Dimitrov-Mechkarski (Right Speech), Dr. Ralitza Kovacheva-Bezhan (Speech Technique), Dr. Margarita Bojilova-Andonova (Plasticity and Gesture in Lecturer’s Behavior), Dr. Krasimir Kutsuparov (Speech in front of Microphone), Dr. Dessislava Georgieva (Psychology of Public Speech, Psychology of Crisis), Dessislava Dimitrova (Public Relations and Public Communications), Мaria Kasimova (Business Etiquette and Protocol).




The contemporary cultural and political space, the dynamic expansion of information technologies and the multitude of media initiatives require highly qualified specialists in the field of oral speech. The oral speech has its specific rules, which improve and facilitate the communicative process in every area of life and business. The necessity for improving the mechanisms of speech and the subtleties of the sound form of the language is increasing in today’s society. Being the only one of its kind in the field of higher education, this programme offers an in-depth knowledge of the language as a basis for human communication and develops practical habits for the use of Bulgarian phonetics with all its norms. The programme also helps students to master the non-verbal communication methods.

MA in Public Speech, Class 2020-2021


Public Speech programme offers an opportunity for mastering rhetorical and vocal techniques for influencing different types of audiences. The academic staff of the program consists of prominent professionals in the field. The theoretical base is solidified by a wide spectrum of practical courses, such as: Speech in front of Microphone, Behavior on Camera, Business Etiquette and Protocol, Speech Techniques, Text Interpretation.




Education is only full-time, lasting 1 year (2 semesters). Students graduate with a final diploma defense of a written thesis on a topic chosen by the student and elaborated during the course of education.



Graduates acquire the educational qualification degree “Master of Arts” with professional qualification “Master of Public Speech”. They have options to work in areas where there is a need for skilled speech communication and a variety of behavioral skills: in electronic media; in various public, cultural and business organizations; in advertising agencies; in the field of Public Relations. Their qualification could be also applied in key positions in many other areas.



Obligatory application materials: an essay, written in advance (up to 2 pages) on a topic by the applicant’s choice, one prose excerpt (up to 5’) and a CV.


Stage 1:

Presentation of the obligatory textual materials followed by an interview with the Selection Committee for evaluating the candidate’s cultural background, creative ideas and language culture. Candidates who receive a score lower than average (3.00) cannot participate in Stage II.


Stage 2 – Written Exam (anonymous):

Applicants write an essay on a given topic related to the Bulgarian and/or world cultural and socio-political environment. Candidates who receive a score lower than average (3.00) cannot participate in the final ranking.

Exam duration: 120 minutes.