Лекции на Daniela Di Scerni, преподавател в Academy of Fine Arts of L’Aquila (ERASMUS Staff Mobility Teaching)


ERASMUS Staff Mobility Teaching

Лектор: Daniela Di Scerni; Преподавател в Academy of Fine Arts of L’Aquila, Италия.

Тема: “The orphanage, the film sets, locations will be inside and out”

Лекциите ще се проведат на 13.03 (вторник) и 15.03 (четвъртък), от 9.00 до 12.00 ч., Учебна кинозала.


Content of the teaching programme:

The course involves the identification and knowledge of the issues, theoretical and practical methodologies for the design and implementation of a set-up, for a fiction and short film video.

  • analysis of the script;
  • metric survey;
  • photographic documentation of the existing project;
  • historical documents and stylistic methods;
  • resume of photographic images;
  • projections of stage analysis;
  • projections of short film “Trentasette”


Language in which the lecture will be given: ENGLISH